MINDWELL Companion (powered by Enabley). 

Log in information 

Click on the image below follow this link or follow the QR code to your login page for web/desktop access.  

Complete your login by creating your account.  
Your user name is your email address and you'll need to create a password on first login.  
Password requirements: 
At least 10 characters 
Upper and lower case  
Combination of letters and numbers. 

 Download MINDWELL Companion (powered by enabley) to your mobile device to ensure the handy resource  Is always with you! 

 Logging in with a mobile device.  When you have downloaded enabley you will be asked for an account name.  This is case-sensitive: mindmapswellbeing  Your user name is: your email address  Password: 1st time login will require you to create a password (10 characters a mix of upper and lower case letters and numbers required)*  *If you have already created a password on the web version please use the same password to avoid being locked out of your account.  

If you have any issues logging in and using a workplace email address try the link again using a personal email. Some workplace domains firewalls prevent access or ask your IT team to allow access. If you are still having an issue contact us during office hours (Mon-Fri 9:30 - 17:00) where one of the team will be able to assist you.